Milestone Monday – Janet Taft – 5 Year Anniversary


Marketing Manager

Janet Taft, Pediatric Abstractor for Registry Partners, celebrated her 5-Year Anniversary on August 26, 2019.  

When asked what this milestone means to Jan, she said “I started five years ago, looking to stay active somehow in the medical field after 40 years. I wasn’t sure what to expect but this company has been amazing to work for and the years have flown by. I feel lucky to have had strong support from my managers and everyone at Registry Partners and encouragement along the way.”

Jan truly loves the work she does. She served as Virtual PICU Systems site coordinator for the last five years of her hospital career, while employed at Yale, so working for Registry Partners has been the “perfect continuation” stated Jan.  “I am doing a job that is interesting and I still feel connected to the “real world”. 

Jan feels others should consider working with Registry Partners because it is perfect for anyone who is unable to continue working in a hospital setting or has the experience but no longer wants the commitment to a hospital schedule. Jan stated “working from home enables one to totally choose when and for how many hours they work and EVERYONE at Registry Partners is a pleasure to work with. Although not in an office setting with people, I still feel connected and I know help is available whenever I need it.”

Additionally, Jan shared, “Registry Partners is the perfect solution if you want to be in control of your life and still have a meaningful career in a company that values its employees.”

Congratulations Jan on reaching your 5 year anniversary!  Thank you for all that you do … we appreciate you!