How Do I Improve My Productivity as a Remote Employee?

We have seen a dynamic shift in the last decade with employers allowing more of their workforce to work remotely from the comfort of their own home.  Not only does this benefit the employee by allowing a flexible schedule and a better work-life balance, but employers also reap the benefits by reducing their overall operating expenses. I recently read an article titled “14 Habits of the…

Posted on Aug. 3, 2018 in Career Insights

Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Potential Employers When Looking For A New Job

There are many questions that go through your mind when searching for a new job.  Of course things like pay and benefits are common questions to ask, however, job seekers also spend a lot of time preparing for interviews.  Interviews provide employers a way to assess who may be the best person for the job … but on the flipside … it is equally important to…

Posted on Jul. 16, 2018 in Career Insights

Employee Satisfaction is a Key Focus at Registry Partners

At Registry Partners, we believe employee feedback is critically important!  Feedback received by our employees is taken very seriously and evaluated routinely throughout the year to ensure a positive working environment for all.   Earlier this year we shared a blog article about Employee Satisfaction including our overall Employee Satisfaction rating of 96% in 2016.  When we surveyed our employees in 2017 the overall Employee Satisfaction…

Posted on Jun. 20, 2018 in Career Insights

My Experience Finding the Right Balance at Registry Partners

By Lynn Nobles, RN, BSN – Registry Services Director, Quality Services Division – Registry Partners is by far the most employee-friendly organization I have ever experienced.  I value working for a company that recognizes the multiple responsibilities I have and also respects those obligations.  A company that encourages employees to value all the hats they wear in their daily lives … not just expecting us to…

Posted on May. 30, 2018 in Career Insights